#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
const int INF = 1000001;
std::vector<int> getMinMaxCuts(
int tShoLen, int tDif, int stickLen, int stickAmount);
bool tryMinDiffer(
int cuts, int tShoLen, int tDif,
std::unordered_map<int, int> &lenAmount,
std::set<int> stickLenSet);
void solveDotSolve(
int maxCuts,
std::unordered_map<int, int> &lenAmount,
std::set<int> &stickLenSet);
std::unordered_map<int, int> getInput(int &maxCuts,
std::set<int> &stickLenSet)
changes maxCuts to the amount of cuts (m)
inserts different stick lens to set stickLenSet, it will have all lens in sorted order
returns lenAmount containing (len : amount) pairs
int sticksAmount, stickLen;
std::unordered_map<int, int> lenAmount;
std::cin >> sticksAmount >> maxCuts;
for (int i=0; i<sticksAmount; i++) {
std::cin >> stickLen;
return lenAmount;
int main() {
int maxCuts;
std::unordered_map<int, int> lenAmount;
std::set<int> stickLenSet;
lenAmount = getInput(maxCuts, stickLenSet);
solveDotSolve(maxCuts, lenAmount, stickLenSet);
return 0;
std::vector<int> getMinMaxCuts(
int tShoLen, int toler, int stickLen, int stickAmount)
simple, get min and max cuts that can result in the stick ending up in rhe range
...turns out this ain't so simple...
int minToler=tShoLen,
maxToler=tShoLen + toler,
maxCutsAmount, remMinLen, remMaxLen;
// find most cuts
int piecesAmountMax = stickLen/minToler;
remMinLen = stickLen % minToler;
if (remMinLen / piecesAmountMax + bool(remMinLen % piecesAmountMax) > toler) return {INF, INF};
maxCutsAmount = stickLen / minToler - 1;
for (int bigToler=maxToler; bigToler>=minToler; bigToler--) {
// std::cout << " " << bigToler << " last\n"; // VERY GOOD
// jos tikku on liian pieni
if (stickLen < bigToler) continue;
piecesAmountMax = stickLen/bigToler; // problem jos pituus 10. tulee joko 3 tai 5 palaa ei 4
// paljonko jää jäljelle kun jaetaan mahollisimman isoihin osiin
remMinLen = stickLen % bigToler;
// ??? muista käyttää
// jos jäljelle ei jää mitään, jako menee tasan
if (remMinLen == 0) {
minCutsAmount = piecesAmountMax - 1;
// jos jäljelle jää liian pieni pätkä, katson jos sen voi jakaa muille osille ylittämättä rajaa
if (bigToler + remMinLen/piecesAmountMax + bool(remMinLen%piecesAmountMax) <= maxToler) {
minCutsAmount = piecesAmountMax - 1;
remMaxLen = remMinLen + piecesAmountMax*(bigToler - minToler);
// jos jäljelle jää hyväksyttävän pitune pätkä
if (remMaxLen >= minToler) {
minCutsAmount = piecesAmountMax;
// std::cout << " gMMC returns: " << minCutsAmount << " " << maxCutsAmount << " at " << tShoLen << " + " << toler << " " << stickLen << "\n"; // THE GOODEST
return {minCutsAmount, maxCutsAmount};
bool tryMinDiffer(
int cuts, int tShoLen, int tDif,
std::unordered_map<int, int> &lenAmount,
std::set<int> stickLenSet)
cuts = how many cuts I must do
tShoLen = what the shortest stick should end up being
tDif = the largest difference between longest and shortest stick
lenAmount = contains (length : amount) pairs of sticks
maxUsedCuts = maximium amount of cuts to achive the range
minUsedCuts = minimium amount of cuts to achive the range
return = check if can be cut to get in range
int maxUsedCuts=0, minUsedCuts=0, longstLen, longstAmount,
maxLoops = static_cast<int>(stickLenSet.size());
std::vector<int> minMaxCuts;
// find least and most amounts of cuts to get all sticks in the acceptable range
// if cuts not in this range, return bigger than acceptable num
for (int i=0; i<maxLoops; i++) {
// cut longest stick into the range each loop
longstLen = static_cast<int>(*stickLenSet.rbegin());
if (longstLen < 2*tShoLen) break;
longstAmount = lenAmount[longstLen];
// std::cout << " params gMMC: " << tShoLen << " " << tDif << " "
// << longstLen << " " << longstAmount << "\n";
minMaxCuts = getMinMaxCuts(tShoLen, tDif, longstLen, longstAmount);
minUsedCuts += longstAmount*minMaxCuts[0];
maxUsedCuts += longstAmount*minMaxCuts[1];
// std::cout << " " << minUsedCuts << " " << cuts << " " << maxUsedCuts << "\n";
if (minUsedCuts > cuts) return false;
if (stickLenSet.size() != 0)
if (*(--stickLenSet.end())>tShoLen+tDif)
return false;
if (minUsedCuts <= cuts and maxUsedCuts >= cuts) return true;
return false;
void solveDotSolve(
int maxCuts,
std::unordered_map<int, int> &lenAmount,
std::set<int> &stickLenSet)
int longst = static_cast<int>(*(--stickLenSet.end())),
shorts = static_cast<int>(*(stickLenSet.begin())),
int maxDiffer = longst - shorts,
minDiffer = maxDiffer;
// int thisLoopCount = 0;
bool valid = false;
// std::cout << "\n";
// for (auto i : stickLenSet) std::cout << i << " ";
// std::cout << "\n\n";
if (shorts*2 < longst)
tempShorts = shorts;
tempShorts = longst/2 + longst%2;
for (int cuts=1; cuts<maxCuts+1; cuts++) {
minDiffer = maxDiffer;
// do with every cut amount k = 1, 2, 3, ..., m
for (int tDif=0; tDif < longst; tDif++) {
// have a target len for the shortest possible stick in the end, tShoLen
for (int tShoLen=tempShorts; tShoLen > 0; tShoLen--) {
// std::cout << tDif << " " << tShoLen << "\n";
// have a maximium difference of the shortest (tShoLen) and longest stick in the end
// attempt to get all sticks in range [tShoLen, tShoLen+tDif]
// std::cout << "params: " << cuts << " " << tShoLen << " " << tDif << "\n";
valid = tryMinDiffer(cuts, tShoLen, tDif, lenAmount, stickLenSet);
// thisLoopCount++;
if (valid) {
minDiffer = tDif;
// std::cout << "valid\n";
if (valid) {
// std::cout << " " << minDiffer << "\n";
std::cout << minDiffer << " ";
//std::cout << "\n" << thisLoopCount << "\n";