#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
std::vector<int> getMinMaxCuts(
int tShoLen, int tDif, int stickLen, int stickAmount);
bool tryMinDiffer(
int cuts, int tShoLen, int tDif,
std::unordered_map<int, int> &lenAmount,
std::set<int> stickLenSet);
void solveDotSolve(
int maxCuts,
std::unordered_map<int, int> &lenAmount,
std::set<int> &stickLenSet);
std::unordered_map<int, int> getInput(int &maxCuts,
std::set<int> &stickLenSet)
changes maxCuts to the amount of cuts (m)
inserts different stick lens to set stickLenSet, it will have all lens in sorted order
returns lenAmount containing (len : amount) pairs
int sticksAmount, stickLen;
std::unordered_map<int, int> lenAmount;
std::cin >> sticksAmount >> maxCuts;
for (int i=0; i<sticksAmount; i++) {
std::cin >> stickLen;
return lenAmount;
int main() {
int maxCuts;
std::unordered_map<int, int> lenAmount;
std::set<int> stickLenSet;
lenAmount = getInput(maxCuts, stickLenSet);
solveDotSolve(maxCuts, lenAmount, stickLenSet);
return 0;
std::vector<int> getMinMaxCuts(
int tShoLen, int tDif, int stickLen, int stickAmount)
simple, get min and max cuts that can result in the stick ending up in rhe range
// can't be divided into pieces wihing range [tShoLen, tShoLen+tDif] if true
if (stickLen%tShoLen/tShoLen > tDif) return {1000001, 1000001}; // KORJAA!, tämä ei toimi aina, esim 10%4 > 1
int maxCutsAmount = stickLen / tShoLen - 1;
int minCutsAmount = maxCutsAmount;
int minShoLen;
for (int maxShoLen=tShoLen+tDif; maxShoLen >= tShoLen; maxShoLen--) {
minShoLen = stickLen % maxShoLen;
// std::cout << " minMaxShoLens: " << minShoLen << " " << maxShoLen <<"\n";
if (minShoLen >= tShoLen) {
minCutsAmount = stickLen / maxShoLen;
// std::cout << " found " << stickLen << " : " << minCutsAmount << " "
// << maxCutsAmount << "\n";
} else if (minShoLen == 0) {
minCutsAmount = stickLen / maxShoLen - 1;
// std::cout << " found " << stickLen << " : " << minCutsAmount << " "
// << maxCutsAmount << "\n";
return {minCutsAmount, maxCutsAmount};
bool tryMinDiffer(
int cuts, int tShoLen, int tDif,
std::unordered_map<int, int> &lenAmount,
std::set<int> stickLenSet)
cuts = how many cuts I must do
tShoLen = what the shortest stick should end up being
tDif = the largest difference between longest and shortest stick
lenAmount = contains (length : amount) pairs of sticks
maxUsedCuts = maximium amount of cuts to achive the range
minUsedCuts = minimium amount of cuts to achive the range
return = check if can be cut to get in range
int maxUsedCuts=0, minUsedCuts=0, longstLen, longstAmount,
maxLoops = static_cast<int>(stickLenSet.size());
std::vector<int> minMaxCuts;
// find least and most amounts of cuts to get all sticks in the acceptable range
// if cuts not in this range, return bigger than acceptable num
for (int i=0; i<maxLoops; i++) {
// cut longest stick into the range each loop
longstLen = static_cast<int>(*stickLenSet.rbegin());
if (longstLen < 2*tShoLen) break;
longstAmount = lenAmount[longstLen];
// std::cout << " params gMMC: " << tShoLen << " " << tDif << " "
// << longstLen << " " << longstAmount << "\n";
minMaxCuts = getMinMaxCuts(tShoLen, tDif, longstLen, longstAmount);
minUsedCuts += longstAmount*minMaxCuts[0];
maxUsedCuts += longstAmount*minMaxCuts[1];
// std::cout << " " << minUsedCuts << " " << cuts << " " << maxUsedCuts << "\n";
if (minUsedCuts > cuts) return false;
if (stickLenSet.size() != 0)
if (*(--stickLenSet.end())>tShoLen+tDif)
return false;
if (minUsedCuts <= cuts and maxUsedCuts >= cuts) return true;
return false;
void solveDotSolve(
int maxCuts,
std::unordered_map<int, int> &lenAmount,
std::set<int> &stickLenSet)
int longst = static_cast<int>(*(--stickLenSet.end())),
shorts = static_cast<int>(*(stickLenSet.begin()));
int maxDiffer = longst - shorts,
minDiffer = maxDiffer;
bool valid = false;
// std::cout << "\n";
// for (auto i : stickLenSet) std::cout << i << " ";
// std::cout << "\n\n";
for (int cuts=1; cuts<maxCuts+1; cuts++) {
minDiffer = maxDiffer;
// do with every cut amount k = 1, 2, 3, ..., m
for (int tShoLen=shorts; tShoLen > 0; tShoLen--) {
// have a target len for the shortest possible stick in the end, tShoLen
for (int tDif=0; tDif < longst; tDif++) {
// have a maximium difference of the shortest (tShoLen) and longest stick in the end
// attempt to get all sticks in range [tShoLen, tShoLen+tDif]
// std::cout << "params: " << cuts << " " << tShoLen << " " << tDif << "\n";
valid = tryMinDiffer(cuts, tShoLen, tDif, lenAmount, stickLenSet);
if (valid) {
minDiffer = tDif;
// std::cout << "valid\n";
if (valid) {
std::cout << minDiffer << " ";