Your task is to implement the class NearList
that is given a list of numbers in the constructor.
The class should have an efficient method find(x)
that finds the list number that is nearest to the number x by value. If the answer is not unique, the method should return the smaller number.
You may assume that all the numbers in the task are integers.
In a file
, implement a class NearList
according to the following template:
class NearList: def __init__(self, t): # TODO def find(self, x): # TODO if __name__ == "__main__": n = NearList([3, 6, 1, 3, 9, 8]) print(n.find(1)) # 1 print(n.find(2)) # 1 print(n.find(3)) # 3 print(n.find(4)) # 3 print(n.find(5)) # 6 print(n.find(6)) # 6 print(n.find(7)) # 6 print(n.find(8)) # 8 print(n.find(9)) # 9