CSES - List incrementing

You are given a list with integers as elements. Your task is to create a new list where each element has been incremented by the value x.

You may assume that the list contains at most 100 integers and that each integer is in the range 1 \dots 10^9.

In a file listadd.py, implement a function create that returns the new list.

def create(t, x):
    # TODO

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(create([1,2,3],1)) # [2,3,4]
    print(create([1,1,1,1,1],4)) # [5,5,5,5,5]
    print(create([0],10**9)) # [1000000000]

Note! Implement the function so that it causes no side effects, i.e., it creates a new list and does not modify the old list.