Task: | Kortit II |
Sender: | Sukarth |
Submission time: | 2024-11-10 15:43:11 +0200 |
Language: | C++ (C++11) |
Status: | READY |
Result: | 0 |
group | verdict | score |
#1 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
#2 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
#3 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
#4 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
#5 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
test | verdict | time | group | |
#1 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.00 s | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | details |
#2 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.00 s | 2, 3, 4, 5 | details |
#3 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.01 s | 3, 4, 5 | details |
#4 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.01 s | 4, 5 | details |
#5 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.10 s | 5 | details |
#6 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.32 s | 5 | details |
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9 + 7; // Function to compute factorial modulo MOD vector<long long> compute_factorials(int max_n) { vector<long long> fact(max_n + 1); fact[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= max_n; ++i) { fact[i] = (fact[i - 1] * i) % MOD; } return fact; } // Function to compute modular inverse using Fermat's Little Theorem long long mod_inverse(long long a) { long long res = 1, exp = MOD - 2; // a^(MOD-2) % MOD while (exp > 0) { if (exp % 2 == 1) { res = (res * a) % MOD; } a = (a * a) % MOD; exp /= 2; } return res; } // Function to compute nCr % MOD long long nCr(int n, int r, const vector<long long> &fact) { if (r > n || r < 0) return 0; return (fact[n] * mod_inverse(fact[r]) % MOD * mod_inverse(fact[n - r]) % MOD) % MOD; } // Main function to count valid game configurations long long count_games(int n, int target_a, int target_b, const vector<long long> &fact) { if (target_a + target_b > n) return 0; // Not enough cards for wins // Calculate the number of ways long long total_ways = 0; // Iterate over all possible distributions of ties for (int ties = 0; ties <= n - target_a - target_b; ++ties) { // Calculate combinations for player A's wins and player B's wins long long ways_a = nCr(n, target_a, fact); // Choose cards for player A's wins long long ways_b = nCr(n - target_a, target_b, fact); // Choose remaining cards for player B's wins // Multiply by the arrangements of ties total_ways = (total_ways + ways_a * ways_b % MOD * fact[ties] % MOD) % MOD; } return total_ways; } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); int t; cin >> t; const int MAX_N = 2000; vector<long long> fact = compute_factorials(MAX_N); while (t--) { int n, a, b; cin >> n >> a >> b; long long result = count_games(n, a, b, fact); cout << result << '\n'; } return 0; }
Test details
Test 1
Group: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
input |
54 4 4 0 3 1 3 3 2 2 4 0 4 ... |
correct output |
0 0 0 0 0 ... |
user output |
1 0 0 1 0 ... |
Test 2
Group: 2, 3, 4, 5
input |
284 6 1 0 5 0 2 7 1 5 7 7 5 ... |
correct output |
0 0 35280 0 36720 ... |
user output |
924 100 84 0 15 ... |
Test 3
Group: 3, 4, 5
input |
841 19 3 12 19 19 13 19 7 13 20 11 15 ... |
correct output |
40291066 0 0 0 0 ... |
user output |
59961720 0 0 0 0 ... |
Test 4
Group: 4, 5
input |
1000 15 12 6 7 1 6 44 4 26 6 6 5 ... |
correct output |
0 5040 494558320 0 340694548 ... |
user output |
0 7 819286225 0 880769924 ... |
Test 5
Group: 5
input |
1000 892 638 599 966 429 655 1353 576 1140 1403 381 910 ... |
correct output |
0 0 0 249098285 0 ... |
user output |
0 0 0 931771626 0 ... |
Test 6
Group: 5
input |
1000 2000 1107 508 2000 1372 249 2000 588 65 2000 1739 78 ... |
correct output |
750840601 678722180 744501884 159164549 868115056 ... |
user output |
411573534 711256252 345740074 184746458 359293586 ... |