Task: | Kortit II |
Sender: | EmuBird |
Submission time: | 2024-11-04 16:02:44 +0200 |
Language: | Rust (2021) |
Status: | READY |
Result: | 8 |
group | verdict | score |
#1 | ACCEPTED | 3 |
#2 | ACCEPTED | 5 |
#3 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
#4 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
#5 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
test | verdict | time | group | |
#1 | ACCEPTED | 0.00 s | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | details |
#2 | ACCEPTED | 0.00 s | 2, 3, 4, 5 | details |
#3 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.00 s | 3, 4, 5 | details |
#4 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.01 s | 4, 5 | details |
#5 | RUNTIME ERROR | 0.00 s | 5 | details |
#6 | RUNTIME ERROR | 0.00 s | 5 | details |
use std::cell::RefCell; use std::io; use std::rc::Rc; const MOD: u128 = 10u128.pow(9) + 7; fn main() { let stdin = io::stdin(); let cache: Rc<RefCell<Cache>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Cache { point_data: vec![], fact_data: vec![1], })); let t: u32 = { let mut input: String = String::new(); stdin.read_line(&mut input).unwrap(); input.trim().parse().unwrap() }; for _ in 0..t { let values: Vec<u32> = { let mut input: String = String::new(); stdin.read_line(&mut input).unwrap(); input.trim().split_whitespace().map(|x| x.parse::<u32>().unwrap()).collect() }; let answer = generate_answer(values[0], values[1], values[2], &cache); println!("{}", answer); } } fn generate_answer(total_cards: u32, a_points: u32, b_points: u32, cache: &Rc<RefCell<Cache>>) -> u128 { let total_points = a_points + b_points; if total_points > total_cards || total_points > 0 && (a_points >= total_points || b_points >= total_points) { return 0; } let draws = total_cards - a_points - b_points; let base_points = get_base_points(a_points, b_points, &cache); (base_points as u128 * ncr(total_cards as u128, draws as u128, &cache) * factorial(total_cards as u128, &cache)) % MOD } fn get_base_points(a: u32, b: u32, cache: &Rc<RefCell<Cache>>) -> u32 { if b > a { return get_base_points(b, a, cache); } { let c = (*cache).borrow(); if c.point_data.len() > a as usize && c.point_data[a as usize].len() > b as usize { return c.point_data[a as usize][b as usize]; } } // If this part is reached, the base points could not be read from cache. /// Ensures that after calling this it is safe to get `point_data[a]` and that pushing to that the row has `b - 1` elements. /// In other words, `point_data[a].push(something)` will result in `point_data[a][b] = something`. /// However, if there is already data at `point_data[a][b]`, nothing will be done. fn ensure_prior_values(a: usize, b: usize, cache: &Rc<RefCell<Cache>>) { let rows = (*cache).borrow().point_data.len(); if rows <= a { let mut cache = (*cache).borrow_mut(); for _ in rows..=a { cache.point_data.push(vec![]); } assert_eq!(cache.point_data.len(), a + 1); } assert!((*cache).borrow().point_data.len() > a); let cols = (*cache).borrow().point_data[a].len(); if cols < b { for i in cols..b { get_base_points(a as u32, i as u32, &cache); // this will also write it to cache } assert_eq!((*cache).borrow().point_data[a].len(), b); } assert!((*cache).borrow().point_data[a].len() >= b); } let hardcoded: Option<u32> = if b == 0 { if a == 0 { Some(1) } else { Some(0) } } else if b == 1 { assert!(a >= 1); // a >= b Some(1) } else { None }; if hardcoded.is_some() { ensure_prior_values(a as usize, b as usize, &cache); (*cache).borrow_mut().point_data[a as usize].push(hardcoded.unwrap()); return hardcoded.unwrap(); } let n = a + b; let vertical_sum = { let mut sum = 0; let b_iter = b - 1; for a_iter in 1..=(a + 1) { sum += get_base_points(a_iter, b_iter, &cache) as u128 * ncr(n as u128, (n - a_iter - b_iter) as u128, &cache); } sum }; let horizontal_sum = { let mut sum = 0; for b_iter in 1..b { sum += get_base_points(a, b_iter, &cache) as u128 * ncr(n as u128, (n - a - b_iter) as u128, &cache); } sum }; let result = (vertical_sum - horizontal_sum) as u32; ensure_prior_values(a as usize, b as usize, &cache); assert_eq!((*cache).borrow().point_data[a as usize].len(), b as usize); (*cache).borrow_mut().point_data[a as usize].push(result); result } fn ncr(n: u128, k: u128, cache: &Rc<RefCell<Cache>>) -> u128 { if k > n { 0 } else { factorial(n, cache) / (factorial(k, cache) * factorial(n - k, cache)) } } fn factorial(n: u128, cache: &Rc<RefCell<Cache>>) -> u128 { if (*cache).borrow().fact_data.len() > n as usize { (*cache).borrow().fact_data[n as usize] } else { let fact = factorial(n - 1, cache) * n; assert_eq!((*cache).borrow().fact_data.len(), n as usize); (*cache).borrow_mut().fact_data.push(fact); fact } } struct Cache { point_data: Vec<Vec<u32>>, fact_data: Vec<u128>, }
Test details
Test 1
Group: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
input |
54 4 4 0 3 1 3 3 2 2 4 0 4 ... |
correct output |
0 0 0 0 0 ... |
user output |
0 0 0 0 0 ... |
Test 2
Group: 2, 3, 4, 5
input |
284 6 1 0 5 0 2 7 1 5 7 7 5 ... |
correct output |
0 0 35280 0 36720 ... |
user output |
0 0 35280 0 36720 ... |
Test 3
Group: 3, 4, 5
input |
841 19 3 12 19 19 13 19 7 13 20 11 15 ... |
correct output |
40291066 0 0 0 0 ... |
user output |
40291066 0 0 0 0 ... |
Test 4
Group: 4, 5
input |
1000 15 12 6 7 1 6 44 4 26 6 6 5 ... |
correct output |
0 5040 494558320 0 340694548 ... |
user output |
0 5040 546351307 0 0 ... |
Test 5
Group: 5
input |
1000 892 638 599 966 429 655 1353 576 1140 1403 381 910 ... |
correct output |
0 0 0 249098285 0 ... |
user output |
0 0 0 |
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to divide by zero', input/code.rs:134:9 note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Test 6
Group: 5
input |
1000 2000 1107 508 2000 1372 249 2000 588 65 2000 1739 78 ... |
correct output |
750840601 678722180 744501884 159164549 868115056 ... |
user output |
(empty) |
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to divide by zero', input/code.rs:134:9 note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace