#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
constexpr ll M = 1000000007;
constexpr ll P = (1 << 18);
constexpr int INF = 1e9;
int seenCount;
int maxSize;
unordered_map<string, vector<char>> m;
vector<char> input;
void solve(int start, int end) {
maxSize = max((int)input.size(), maxSize);
//cout << maxSize << endl;
// string hash = "";
//for (int i=start; i<n; i++) {
// seenCount++;
// hash += input[i];
//if (m.count(hash)) { //size limit?
//cout << "hasb: " << hash << endl;
int n = end;
for (int i=start; i<n; i++) {
if (i >= (int)input.size()) break;
char ch = input[i];
int digit = ch - '0';
if (digit > 0 && digit <= 9) {
//before.insert(before.end(), input.begin(), input.begin()+i);
vector<char> expanded(input.begin()+i+1, input.begin()+i+1+digit);
//cout << "input: ";
//for (auto x : input) cout << x;
//cout << endl;
//cout << "expanded: ";
//for (auto x : expanded) cout << x;
//cout << endl;
bool overlaps = false;
int s = (int) expanded.size();
string hash;
int length = s;
hash += ch;
for (int j=0; j<s; j++) {
char ch2 = expanded[j];
hash += ch2;
int d = ch2 - '0';
if (d > 0 && d <= 9) {
length += d-1;
if (j + d >= s) {
overlaps = true;
//cout << hash << ": " << length << endl;
if (overlaps) {
input.insert(input.begin()+i, expanded.begin(), expanded.end());
//cout << "solving overlap for " << hash << " from " << i << " to " << input.size() << ": " <<endl;
n = input.size();
//solve(i, input.size());
} else {
if (m.count(hash)) {
vector<char> hashed = m[hash];
input.insert(input.begin()+i, hashed.begin(), hashed.end());
//cout << "seen: " << hash << endl;
//cout << "seen for hash " << hash << " from " << i+length << " to " << input.size() << ": " << endl;
n = input.size();
//solve(i+length, input.size());
} else {
//cout << hash << endl;
input.insert(input.begin()+i, expanded.begin(), expanded.end());
solve(i, i+s);
//cout << hash << " " << length << " " << overlaps << endl;
vector<char> solved(input.begin()+i, input.begin()+i+length);
//cout << "solved for hash " << hash << " from " << i << " to " << i+s << ": ";
//for (auto x : solved) cout << x;
//cout << endl;
m[hash] = solved;
//i += length;
//n = input.size();
//solve(i+length, input.size());
//if (overlaps) {
// expanded.insert(expanded.end(), after.begin(), after.end());
// ans = solve(expanded);
//} else {
// ans = solve(expanded);
// vector<char> s2 = solve(after);
// ans.insert(ans.end(), s2.begin(), s2.end());
//before.insert(before.end(), ans.begin(), ans.end());
//if (hash != "") {
// m[hash] = before;
//return before;
int main() {
string prompt;
cin >> prompt;
input.insert(input.end(), prompt.begin(), prompt.end());
solve(0, 501010);
//solve(0, input.size());
//cout << "-==================|" <<endl;
//for (auto x : m) {
// cout << x.first << ": ";
// for (auto y : x.second) {
// cout << y;
// }
// cout << endl;
//cout << seenCount << endl;
for (auto x : input) {
cout << x;
cout << endl;
//cout << maxSize << endl;
//cout << ans.size() << endl;