- Time limit: 1.00 s
- Memory limit: 512 MB
You are given an grid representing the map of a forest. Each square is either empty or has a tree. Your task is to process queries of the following types:
- Change the state (empty/tree) of a square.
- How many trees are inside a rectangle in the forest?
The first input line has two integers and : the size of the forest and the number of queries.
Then, there are lines describing the forest. Each line has characters: .
is an empty square and *
is a tree.
Finally, there are lines describing the queries. The format of each line is either " " or "2 ".
Print the answer to each query of the second type.
4 3 .*.. *.** **.. **** 2 2 2 3 4 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 4
3 4