- Time limit: 1.00 s
- Memory limit: 512 MB
Uolevi's family is going to order a large pizza and eat it together. A total of family members will join the order, and there are possible toppings. The pizza may have any number of toppings.
Each family member gives two wishes concerning the toppings of the pizza. The wishes are of the form "topping is good/bad". Your task is to choose the toppings so that at least one wish from everybody becomes true (a good topping is included in the pizza or a bad topping is not included).
The first input line has two integers and : the number of family members and toppings. The toppings are numbered .
After this, there are lines describing the wishes. Each line has two wishes of the form "+ " (topping is good) or "- " (topping is bad).
Print a line with symbols: for each topping "+" if it is included and "-" if it is not included. You can print any valid solution.
If there are no valid solutions, print "IMPOSSIBLE".
3 5 + 1 + 2 - 1 + 3 + 4 - 2
- + + + -