- Time limit: 1.00 s
- Memory limit: 512 MB
You and some monsters are in a labyrinth. When taking a step to some direction in the labyrinth, each monster may simultaneously take one as well. Your goal is to reach one of the boundary squares without ever sharing a square with a monster.
Your task is to find out if your goal is possible, and if it is, print a path that you can follow. Your plan has to work in any situation; even if the monsters know your path beforehand.
The first input line has two integers and : the height and width of the map.
After this there are lines of characters describing the map. Each character is .
(floor), #
(wall), A
(start), or M
(monster). There is exactly one A
in the input.
First print "YES" if your goal is possible, and "NO" otherwise.
If your goal is possible, also print an example of a valid path (the length of the path and its description using characters D
, U
, L
, and R
). You can print any path, as long as its length is at most steps.
5 8 ######## #M..A..# #.#.M#.# #M#..#.. #.######