- Time limit: 4.00 s
- Memory limit: 1024 MB
We have a rooted tree indexed in post-order (parent after all nodes in subtree), and want to find the group A_{n} (the group can contain the same element multiple times). A_{j} is defined as follows:
For a leaf with index j, A_{j} = [j]
For a node j with k children c_{1}, c_{2}, \cdots, c_{k}, let v_{j} = min(\cup_{i = 1}^{k} A_{c_{i}}). Now:
A_{j} = A_{c_{1}} + \cdots + A_{c_{k}} - [v_{j}] + [v_{j} \oplus j] + [j].
Where + makes a group that contains the elements of both groups, and - makes a group with a copy of every element from the second group removed from the first group. Note that a group can contain multiples of the same element. [3, 3] - [3] = [3].
Can you calculate the sum of all elements in A_{n} (that is, the root node)?
Since the input is very large, it is given in a special form.
The tree is represented as a bracket sequence of length 2n. A node starts with a opening bracket, then children follow, and then the node is closed by a closing bracket. For example, a node with no children is ()
, and a node with two children, the second of which has one child, is (()(()))
. The child that appears first is first in the postorder traversal too.
The first line of input contains the integer n.
Then you are given \left\lceil \frac{2n}{64} \right\rceil unsigned 64-bit integers. The i'th bit (representing 2^{i}) of the j'th integer is 1 if the (64j + i)'th character in the bracket sequence is "("
, and 0 if it's ")"
. After the end of the bracket sequence all bits are 0.
Output the sum of all elements in A_{n}.
- 1 \leq n \leq 10^{7}
4 39
. A_{1} = [1], A_{2} = [2, 3], A_{3} = [3], A_{4} = [3, 3, 4, 6]