Bitland has n cities that initially have no connecting roads. Your task is to implement a class that can be used for adding a road between two cities and for finding out if there is a route between two cities.
You may assume that there are at most 50 cities and that the methods of the class are called at most 100 times.
In a file
, implement a class Cities
with the following methods:
- constructor with the number of cities as a parameter
adds a road between two citieshas_route
checks if two cities are connected by route
class Cities: def __init__(self, n): # TODO def add_road(self, a, b): # TODO def has_route(self, a, b): # TODO if __name__ == "__main__": c = Cities(5) c.add_road(1, 2) c.add_road(1, 3) c.add_road(4, 5) print(c.has_route(1, 5)) # False c.add_road(3, 4) print(c.has_route(1, 5)) # True