Bitland has n cities that initially have no connecting roads. The goal is to connect all cities to each other using roads.
You are given a set of possible roads and the construction cost for each road. What is the smallest cost of a road network that has a route between every pair of two cities?
Implement a class NewRoads
with the following methods:
adds the possibility of a road of cost x between the cities a and bmin_cost
returns the smallest cost of connecting all cities (or −1 if it is not possible to connect all cities)
Implement the class in a file
according to the following template:
class NewRoads: def __init__(self, n): # TODO def add_road(self, a, b, x): # TODO def min_cost(self): # TODO if __name__ == "__main__": n = NewRoads(4) n.add_road(1, 2, 2) n.add_road(1, 3, 5) print(n.min_cost()) # -1 n.add_road(3, 4, 4) print(n.min_cost()) # 11 n.add_road(2, 3, 1) print(n.min_cost()) # 7