2024-11-16 15:37:11 HIIT24_019 | Message: In Task L, "If any two connections could fail in the initial network and there would still be a route between two stations, then that should still be true after dismantling the connections" How would the sample output hold if connection 3-4 and 3-5 failed? If the sample output remove edge 2-5, wouldn't there no longer be a route from 3 to 5? Reply: The property does not hold in the input graph, and hence it does not need to hold in the output graph. |
2024-11-16 12:45:35 HIIT24_006 | Message: What does measurement mean in task F? How is it defined? Reply: One measurement tells you the length of one of the fence segments. |
2024-11-15 19:04:39 admin | Message: There's a misprint in task J: The constraints are 2 <= n <= 1000. |