CSES - Aalto Competitive Programming 2024 - wk2 - Mon - Abandoned warehouse
  • Time limit: 1.00 s
  • Memory limit: 512 MB

Uolevi has been wandering around an abandoned warehouse recording his true crime podcast. Getting purposefully lost is part of the fun: now he just needs to figure a way out. Uolevi finds a map of the building on a wall. On the map, he can walk left, right, up and down. Help Uolevi find a way out or report that he is locked in for good.


The first input line has two integers n and m: the height and width of the map.

Then there are n lines of m characters describing the warehouse. Each character is . (floor), # (wall), A (Uolevi), or B (exit). There is exactly one A and one B in the input.


In the first line print "YES", if there is a way, and "NO" otherwise.

If there is a path, print the length of the shortest such path on the next line, and its description as a string consisting of characters L (left), R (right), U (up), and D (down) on another line. You can print any valid solution.


  • 1 \le n,m \le 1000



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