// CPP program to count number
// of decreasing path in a matrix
//#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// using namespace std;
//#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
#define MAX 1000
// Function that returns the number of
// decreasing paths from a cell(i, j)
int CountDecreasingPathsCell(int(&mat)[MAX][MAX], int(&dp)[MAX][MAX],
int n, int x, int y, int (&delta)[4*MAX][2], int modulo_num)
// checking if already calculated
if (dp[x][y] != -1)
return dp[x][y];
// all possible paths
//int delta[4][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { 0, -1 } };
int newx, newy;
// counts the total number of paths
int ans = 1;
// In all four allowed direction.
for (int i = 0; i < 4*n; i++) {
// new co-ordinates
newx = x + delta[i][0];
newy = y + delta[i][1];
// Checking if not going out of matrix and next
// cell value is less than current cell value.
if (newx >= 0 && newx < n && newy >= 0
&& newy < n && mat[newx][newy] < mat[x][y]) {
ans += CountDecreasingPathsCell(mat, dp, n, newx, newy, delta);
if (ans >= modulo_num){
ans = ans % modulo_num;
// function that returns the answer
return dp[x][y] = ans;
// Function that counts the total
// decreasing path in the matrix
int countDecreasingPathsMatrix(int n,
int(&mat)[MAX][MAX], int(&delta)[4*MAX][2], int modulo_num)
int dp[MAX][MAX];
// Initialising dp[][] to -1.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
dp[i][j] = -1;
int sum = 0;
// Calculating number of decreasing path from each cell.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
sum += CountDecreasingPathsCell(mat, dp, n, i, j, delta);
if (sum >= modulo_num){
sum = sum % modulo_num;
//sum += CountDecreasingPathsCell(mat, dp, n, i, j) % modulo_num;
return sum;
// Driver Code
int main()
//int i = 1;
int number_of_rows;
cin >> number_of_rows;
//int input_row[number_of_rows] = {};
int input_row1;
//string replace_char = ",";
//int mat[1000][1000];
int modulo_num = pow(10, 9) + 7;
//int j;
int delta[4*MAX][2];
int C = 0;
for (int i = -number_of_rows; i<=number_of_rows; i++){
if(i != 0){
delta[C][0] = i;
delta[C][1] = 0;
for (int i = -number_of_rows; i<=number_of_rows; i++){
if(i != 0){
delta[C][0] = 0;
delta[C][1] = i;
int my_array[MAX][MAX];
//cout << number_of_rows << endl;
for (int iii = 0; iii < number_of_rows; iii++)
for (int ii = 0; ii < number_of_rows; ii++)
cin >> input_row1;
//input_row[ii] = input_row1;
//cout << input_row1 << "its the input row" << endl;
my_array[iii][ii] = input_row1;
//char *modified_input = strtok(input_row, " ");
//cout << modified_input << "its modified_input" << endl;
//int number = stoi(modified_input);
//cout << number << "its the number" << endl;
//my_array[ii] = number;
//cout << ii << "its the ii number" << endl;
//cout << iii << "its the iii number----" << endl;
//my_array[iii] = input_row;
//int arrSize = sizeof(my_array)/sizeof(my_array[0]);
//cout << arrSize << "its the length of arrSize" << endl;
//cout << input_row[0] << "its the input_row---" << endl;
//cout << input_row[1] << "its the input_row---" << endl;
//cout << input_row[2] << "its the input_row---" << endl;
//cout << my_array[0][0] << "its the my_array " << endl;
//cout << my_array[1][1] << "its the my_array " << endl;
//std::copy_n(std::istream_iterator<int>(std::cin), number_of_rows, my_array);
//int mat[100][100] = { { 2, 1, 3 }, { 1, 1, 1 }, {9, 2, 7} }; // function call that returns the
//cout << mat[50][0] << "its the mat print" << endl;
//cout << modulo_num << "its the modulo_num" << endl;
//int modulo_num = pow(10, 9)+7;
int number_of_paths = countDecreasingPathsMatrix(number_of_rows, my_array, delta, modulo_num);
cout << number_of_paths << endl; // count of decreasing paths in a matrix
return 0;