CSES - Putka Open 2020 – 4/5 - Results
Submission details
Submission time:2020-11-08 22:20:28 +0200
Language:C++ (C++17)

Compiler report

input/code.cpp:3:10: fatal error: stdlib_printing.hh: No such file or directory
 #include "stdlib_printing.hh"
compilation terminated.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "stdlib_printing.hh"
typedef long long LL;
using namespace std;
int main(){
LL n; cin >> n;
vector<LL> v(n);
LL xmax = 0;
for(LL i = 0; i < n; i++){
cin >> v[i];
xmax = max(xmax, v[i]);
vector<bool> isprime(xmax+1,true); isprime[0] = false; isprime[1] = false;
vector<vector<LL> > PD(xmax+1); // C[i] = Distinct prime divisors of i
vector<vector<LL> > D(xmax+1); // D[i] = Divisors of i
vector<LL> C(xmax+1); // C[i] = Number of items in the input that are divisible by i
for(LL d = 2; d <= xmax; d++){
for(LL k = 1; d*k <= xmax; k++){
if(isprime[d]) PD[d*k].push_back(d);
if(k > 1) isprime[k*d] = false;
for(LL x : v){
for(LL d : D[x]) C[d]++;
LL ans = 0;
for(LL x : v){
LL m = PD[x].size();
LL howmany = 0;
for(LL mask = 1; mask < (1LL << m); mask++){
LL ones = __builtin_popcount(mask);
LL sign = ones % 2 == 1 ? 1 : -1;
LL d = 1;
for(LL i = 0; i < m; i++){
if(mask & (1LL << i)) d *= PD[x][i];
howmany += sign * C[d];
ans += n - howmany;
cout << ans/2 << endl; // Divide by two because we report unordered pairs
//cout << isprime << endl;
//cout << PD << endl;
//cout << D << endl;
//cout << C << endl;