%macro r1_push 0 ; push registers except rax
push rbx
push rcx
push rdx
push r8
push r9
push r10
push r11
%macro r1_pop 0 ; pop registers except rax
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rbx
%macro r_push 0 ; push registers including rax
push rax
%macro r_pop 0 ; pop registers including rax
pop rax
%define IBUFSZ 1048576
%define OBUFSZ 100
%define L 17
%define P 131072
section .bss
ibuf resb IBUFSZ
obuf resb OBUFSZ
sprmin resq L * P
sprmax resq L * P
N resq 1
K resq 1
section .text
global _start
; read ibuf
xor rax, rax
xor rdi, rdi
mov rsi, ibuf
mov rdx, IBUFSZ
mov rsi, ibuf
mov rdi, obuf
call stoi
mov r9, rax
mov [N], rax
call stoi
mov [K], rax
xor rcx, rcx
call stoi
mov qword [sprmin + rcx * 8], rax
mov qword [sprmax + rcx * 8], rax
inc rcx
cmp rcx, r9
jl .s1
cmp qword [N], 1
je .s3
mov r10, 1
mov r11, 1
mov r12, 2
mov r13, [N]
inc r13
sub r13, r12
xor r14, r14
lea rax, [r10 - 1]
imul rax, P
mov rbx, rax
add rax, r14
mov rax, [sprmin + rax * 8]
add rbx, r11
add rbx, r14
mov rbx, [sprmin + rbx * 8]
cmp rbx, rax
cmovbe rax, rbx
mov rbx, r10
imul rbx, P
add rbx, r14
mov [sprmin + rbx * 8], rax
inc r14
cmp r14, r13
jl .s4
shl r11, 1
shl r12, 1
inc r10
cmp r12, [N]
jle .s2
mov r10, 1
mov r11, 1
mov r12, 2
mov r13, [N]
inc r13
sub r13, r12
xor r14, r14
lea rax, [r10 - 1]
imul rax, P
mov rbx, rax
add rax, r14
mov rax, [sprmax + rax * 8]
add rbx, r11
add rbx, r14
mov rbx, [sprmax + rbx * 8]
cmp rax, rbx
cmovbe rax, rbx
mov rbx, r10
imul rbx, P
add rbx, r14
mov [sprmax + rbx * 8], rax
inc r14
cmp r14, r13
jl .s6
shl r11, 1
shl r12, 1
inc r10
cmp r12, [N]
jle .s5
mov r10, [K]
; r9 = n, r10 = k
xor r11, r11
xor r12, r12
mov r13, r11
sub r13, r12
inc r13
bsr r13, r13
xor r13, 31
mov r14, 31
sub r14, r13
mov rcx, r14
mov r13, 1
sal r13, cl
imul r14, P
; r14 = d
; r13 = 1 << d
mov rax, r14
add rax, r12
mov rax, [sprmax + rax * 8]
mov rbx, r14
add rbx, r11
sub rbx, r13
inc rbx
mov rbx, [sprmax + rbx * 8]
cmp rax, rbx
cmovbe rax, rbx
mov rbx, r14
add rbx, r12
mov rbx, [sprmin + rbx * 8]
mov rcx, r14
add rcx, r11
sub rcx, r13
inc rcx
mov rcx, [sprmin + rcx * 8]
cmp rcx, rbx
cmovbe rbx, rcx
sub rax, rbx
cmp rax, r10
jle .s8
inc r12
jmp .s7
mov rax, r11
sub rax, r12
inc rax
add r15, rax
inc r11
cmp r11, r9
jl .s7
mov rax, r15
call printi
mov rax, 0xa
; output obuf
sub rdi, obuf
mov rdx, rdi
mov rdi, 1
mov rax, 1
mov rsi, obuf
; exit syscall
mov rax, 0x3c
xor rdi, rdi
stoi: ; reads in integer from rsi s buffer and outputs it to rax
xor r8,r8
mov r9, 1
xor rax, rax
cmp al, 45
jne .b_stoi
mov r9, -1
jmp .a_stoi
cmp al, 32
je .c_stoi
cmp al, 10
je .c_stoi
cmp al, 0
je .c_stoi
sub al, 48
mov rdx, 10
imul r8, rdx
add r8, rax
jmp .a_stoi
mov rax, r8
imul rax, r9
printi: ; outputs an integer rdi s buffer
push rax
xor rbx, rbx
cmp rax, 0
jnl .a_printi
imul rax, -1
push rax
mov rax, 45
pop rax
xor rdx, rdx
mov rcx, 10
idiv rcx
add rdx, 48
push rdx
inc rbx
cmp rax, 0
jne .a_printi
mov rcx, rbx
pop rax
loop .b_printi
mov rax, rdi
mov rdi, rax
pop rax