CSES currently supports the following languages:
language | version | compiler flags | packages |
Assembly | NASM 2.15.05 |
| |
C++ | g++ 11.4.0 | -std=c++11 -O2 -Wall -std=c++17 -O2 -Wall -std=c++20 -O2 -Wall | |
Haskell | GHC 9.2.8 | -O2 -Wall | show list |
Java | Java 11.0.21 |
| |
Make | Make 4.3 |
| |
Node.js | Node.js 12.22.9 |
| |
Pascal | FPC 3.2.2 | -O2 | |
Python2 | CPython 2.7.18 PyPy 2.7.18 |
| |
Python3 | CPython 3.10.12 PyPy 3.8.13 |
| |
Ruby | ruby 3.0.2 |
| |
Rust | rustc 1.70.0 | --edition=2018 -C opt-level=3 | rand 0.8.4 |
Scala | Scala 2.11.12 |
Note that all languages are not be available in all courses and contests.
The source code size limit is 128 kB for all languages.
Example programs
Here are examples on how to solve the A + B problem in the supported languages.
section .text global _start atoi: xor rax,rax xor rdx,rdx lodsb cmp al,'-' sete bl jne .lpv .lp: lodsb .lpv: sub al,'0' jl .end imul rdx,10 add rdx,rax jmp .lp .end: test bl,bl jz .p neg rdx .p ret itoa: std mov r9,10 bt rax,63 setc bl jnc .lp neg rax .lp: xor rdx,rdx div r9 xchg rax,rdx add rax,'0' stosb xchg rax,rdx test rax,rax jnz .lp test bl,bl jz .p mov al,'-' stosb .p: cld inc rdi ret _start: xor rax,rax xor rdi,rdi mov rsi,buff mov rdx,100 syscall mov rsi,buff lodsb mov rsi,buff call atoi mov rcx,rdx call atoi add rcx,rdx mov rdi,buff+99 mov rsi,rdi std mov rax,10 stosb mov rax,rcx call itoa sub rsi,rdi mov rdx,rsi mov rsi,rdi inc rdx mov rax,1 mov rdi,rax syscall mov rax,60 xor rdi,rdi syscall section .bss buff: resb 100
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b; cin >> a >> b; cout << a+b << "\n"; }
main :: IO() main = do line <- getLine let [a, b] = map read (words line) print (a + b)
import java.util.*; public class Sum { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(; int a = input.nextInt(); int b = input.nextInt(); System.out.println(a+b); } }
var readline = require('readline'); var r = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, terminal: false }); r.on('line', function (line) { var vals = line.split(" "); console.log(parseInt(vals[0])+parseInt(vals[1])); });
var a, b: longint; begin readln(a,b); writeln(a+b); end.
a,b = [int(x) for x in raw_input().split()] print(a+b)
a,b = [int(x) for x in input().split()] print(a+b)
a,b = &:to_i puts a+b
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; fn main() { let mut input = BufReader::new(std::io::stdin()); let mut line = "".to_string(); input.read_line(&mut line).unwrap(); let mut split = line.split_whitespace(); let a: i32 =; let b: i32 =; println!("{}", a + b); }
object Sum { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val Array(a,b) = readLine.split(" ").map(_.toInt) println(a+b) } }