CSES - KILO 2016 0/5 - Results
Submission details
Task:A + B
Submission time:2016-09-06 17:13:02 +0300

Compiler report

input/Summa.java:21: error: cannot find symbol
        IO io = new IO();
  symbol:   class IO
  location: class Summa
input/Summa.java:21: error: cannot find symbol
        IO io = new IO();
  symbol:   class IO
  location: class Summa
2 errors


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 * @author viljampa
public class Summa {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        IO io = new IO();
        int eka = io.nextInt();
        int toka = io.nextInt();
//	String a = io.next(); // Lukee seuraavan välein erotellun merkkijonon.
//	int b = io.nextInt(); // Lukee seuraavan välein erotellun int-kokonaisluvun.
//	long c = io.nextLong(); // Lukee seuraavan välein erotellun long-kokonaisluvun.
//	double d = io.nextDouble(); // Lukee seuraavan välein erotellun double-liukuluvun.
	// Toimii kuten System.out.println.
	io.println(eka + toka);
