Task: | Tontti |
Sender: | testUser |
Submission time: | 2015-10-10 22:10:04 +0300 |
Language: | Java |
Status: | READY |
Result: | 0 |
group | verdict | score |
#1 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
#2 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
#3 | WRONG ANSWER | 0 |
test | verdict | time | group | |
#1 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.17 s | 1 | details |
#2 | ACCEPTED | 0.17 s | 1 | details |
#3 | ACCEPTED | 0.17 s | 1 | details |
#4 | ACCEPTED | 0.17 s | 1 | details |
#5 | ACCEPTED | 0.17 s | 1 | details |
#6 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.34 s | 2 | details |
#7 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.32 s | 2 | details |
#8 | ACCEPTED | 0.29 s | 2 | details |
#9 | ACCEPTED | 0.31 s | 2 | details |
#10 | ACCEPTED | 0.32 s | 2 | details |
#11 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.80 s | 3 | details |
#12 | WRONG ANSWER | 0.83 s | 3 | details |
#13 | ACCEPTED | 0.66 s | 3 | details |
#14 | ACCEPTED | 0.78 s | 3 | details |
#15 | ACCEPTED | 0.79 s | 3 | details |
//import java.util.Random;/*** Created by Frans on 5.10.2015.*/public class Tontti{static int height;static int width;static int[][] kenttaSumma;static int wantedTrees;static int lastSize;static double multiplier;static long runAmountB;static long runAmountBU;static long runAmountBD;static long runAmountL;static long runAmountL2;static final int testInt = 100000*1;public static void main(String[] args){/*//todoint futureWidth = 2000;int futureHeight = 2000;int futureWantedTrees = (int) (2*Math.pow(10,2));height = futureHeight;width = futureWidth;wantedTrees = futureWantedTrees;kenttaSumma = new int[width+1][height+1];Random generator = new Random(1);String[] lines = new String[height+1];for (int y=1; y<=height; y++) {lines[y] = "";for (int x2=1; x2<=width; x2++){if (generator.nextDouble() > 0.3){lines[y] = lines[y] + ".";}else {lines[y] = lines[y] + "*";}}}kenttaSumma = new int[width+1][height+1];*/long aika = System.nanoTime();IO io = new IO();height = io.nextInt();width = io.nextInt();wantedTrees = io.nextInt();kenttaSumma = new int[width+1][height+1];int foundArea = 0;int minSize = (int) (Math.sqrt(wantedTrees) + 0.99);multiplier = 0;int trees = 0;mainLoop:{//calculate trees and save it in to array and summed area tablefor (int y = 1; y <= height; y++) {final char[] line = io.next().toCharArray();//final char[] line = lines[y].toCharArray();int sumRow = 0;for (int x = 1; x <= width; x++) {if (line[x - 1] == '*') {sumRow++;trees++;}kenttaSumma[x][y] = sumRow + kenttaSumma[x][y - 1];int maxSize = min(x, y);/*//todo removeif (x == 1000 && y == 1000) {//stop herebreak mainLoop;}*/if (maxSize >= minSize) {foundArea += countAreasS(maxSize, minSize, x, y);}}lastSize = minSize;}}io.println(foundArea);/*aika = (System.nanoTime()-aika)/1000000;io.println("---");io.println("Time: " + aika);io.println("Loops Binary: " + runAmountB/1000000.0);io.println(" -high: " + runAmountBU/1000000.0);io.println(" -low: " + runAmountBD/1000000.0);io.println("Loops Linear: " + runAmountL/1000000.0);io.println("Loops Linear: " + runAmountL2/1000000.0);io.println(multiplier);*/io.close();}//rekursiivinen binaarihaku// x2 = x -1// y2 = y -1private static int countAreasB(int maxSize,int minSize, int x, int y, int prevSize, double weight){int areasFound = 0;int tSize = (int) (((maxSize*(1.0+weight) + minSize*(1.0-weight))/2.0));if (tSize == prevSize){tSize = (int) (((maxSize + minSize)/2.0));}//lopetaan kun sama on jo katsottuif (prevSize != tSize){prevSize = tSize;runAmountB ++;int sum = kenttaSumma[x][y]+kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y];if(sum > wantedTrees){runAmountBU ++;//tSize = (int) (Math.sqrt(tSize*tSize-(sum-wantedTrees))+0.999); //pitkalle johdettu matemaattinen optimointimultiplier = max(multiplier - 0.1, -0.95);areasFound += countAreasB(tSize, minSize, x, y, prevSize,multiplier);}else if (sum < wantedTrees){runAmountBD ++;tSize = (maxSize - tSize == 1)?maxSize+1:tSize; //estetaan pyoristysvirhemultiplier = min(multiplier+0.1,0.95);areasFound += countAreasB(maxSize, tSize, x, y, prevSize,multiplier);}else {//molemmat suunnat ovat mahdollisia --> kokeillaan kaikki lahella olevatareasFound ++;if (wantedTrees > testInt) {areasFound += countAreasL(tSize + 1, maxSize, x, y, 1);areasFound += countAreasL(tSize - 1, minSize, x, y, -1);}else{areasFound += findSize(tSize, maxSize, x, y, 1);areasFound += findSize(tSize, minSize, x, y, -1);}lastSize = prevSize;}}return areasFound;}//rekursiivinen binaarihauen alku// x2 = x -1// y2 = y -1private static int countAreasS(int maxSize,int minSize, int x, int y){int areasFound = 0;int tSize = lastSize;//int tSize = min(max(lastSize,minSize),maxSize);int prevSize = tSize;runAmountB ++;int sum = kenttaSumma[x][y]+kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y];if(sum > wantedTrees){runAmountBU ++;//tSize = (int) (Math.sqrt(tSize*tSize-(sum-wantedTrees))+0.999); //pitkalle johdettu matemaattinen optimointiareasFound += countAreasB(tSize, minSize, x, y, prevSize,0.9);}else if (sum < wantedTrees){runAmountBD ++;tSize = (maxSize - tSize == 1)?maxSize+1:tSize; //estetaan pyoristysvirheareasFound += countAreasB(maxSize, tSize, x, y, prevSize,-0.9);}else {//molemmat suunnat ovat mahdollisia --> kokeillaan kaikki lahella olevatareasFound ++;if (wantedTrees > testInt) {areasFound += countAreasL(tSize + 1, maxSize, x, y, 1);areasFound += countAreasL(tSize - 1, minSize, x, y, -1);}else{areasFound += findSize(tSize, maxSize, x, y, 1);areasFound += findSize(tSize, minSize, x, y, -1);}}return areasFound;}//suoraviivainen haku, yksitellen// x2 = x-1// y2 = y-1private static int countAreasL(int startSize,int endSize, int x, int y, int direction){int areasFound = 0;runAmountL ++;for (int tSize=startSize; direction*tSize<=endSize*direction; tSize=tSize+direction){runAmountL2 ++;int sum = kenttaSumma[x][y]+kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y];if (sum == wantedTrees){areasFound ++;lastSize = tSize;}else{break;}}return areasFound;}//rekursiivinen binaarihaku tyhjille kohdilleprivate static int findSize(int startSize,int endSize, int x, int y,int direction){int foundArea = 0;if (direction*(endSize-startSize) <=3) {foundArea = countAreasL(startSize+direction,endSize,x,y,direction);}else{int tSize = (int) ((startSize + endSize) / 2.0);int sum = kenttaSumma[x][y] + kenttaSumma[x - tSize][y - tSize] - kenttaSumma[x][y - tSize] - kenttaSumma[x - tSize][y];if (sum == wantedTrees) {foundArea = (endSize - tSize)*direction;foundArea += findSize(tSize+direction, endSize, x, y,direction);} else {foundArea = findSize(tSize, endSize, x, y,direction);}}return foundArea;}//just for lulzprivate static int max(final int a, final int b){return (a>b)?a:b;}private static int min(final int a, final int b){return (a<b)?a:b;}private static double min(final double a, final double b){return (a<b)?a:b;}private static double max(final double a, final double b){return (a>b)?a:b;}}
Test details
Test 1
Group: 1
input |
10 10 1 ......*... .......*.. *..*....*. *....*.... ... |
correct output |
94 |
user output |
88 |
Test 2
Group: 1
input |
10 10 5 ********** ********** ********** ********** ... |
correct output |
0 |
user output |
0 |
Test 3
Group: 1
input |
10 10 10 **...*...* *..*.**.*. ...**.*..* *...**.*.. ... |
correct output |
4 |
user output |
4 |
Test 4
Group: 1
input |
10 10 5 ****...... *.*.**..** ....*.*..* ...*.***.. ... |
correct output |
16 |
user output |
16 |
Test 5
Group: 1
input |
10 10 2 **.***..*. ...*.*.... .***.*...* ***.***..* ... |
correct output |
30 |
user output |
30 |
Test 6
Group: 2
input |
500 500 1 ................................. |
correct output |
9552040 |
user output |
3318035 |
Test 7
Group: 2
input |
500 500 5 ................................. |
correct output |
1536063 |
user output |
253305 |
Test 8
Group: 2
input |
500 500 25000 **...*...**..*.*..*.**.*..*.*.... |
correct output |
288 |
user output |
288 |
Test 9
Group: 2
input |
500 500 12500 **.**.*..*...*.**...*.***........ |
correct output |
786 |
user output |
786 |
Test 10
Group: 2
input |
500 500 5000 .*.*.**..*.*.**.**..*..**...*.... |
correct output |
1763 |
user output |
1763 |
Test 11
Group: 3
input |
2000 2000 1 ................................. |
correct output |
489611392 |
user output |
222759994 |
Test 12
Group: 3
input |
2000 2000 5 ................................. |
correct output |
120725884 |
user output |
9438149 |
Test 13
Group: 3
input |
2000 2000 400000 ..*..**.**.**.*.***...**.*..**... |
correct output |
1849 |
user output |
1849 |
Test 14
Group: 3
input |
2000 2000 200000 ***.*....*.*..*....**..*..*.*.... |
correct output |
2665 |
user output |
2665 |
Test 15
Group: 3
input |
2000 2000 80000 **.**...*.***.**....**.*....*.... |
correct output |
5587 |
user output |
5587 |