//import java.util.Random;
* Created by Frans on 5.10.2015.
public class Tontti{
static int height;
static int width;
static int[][] kenttaSumma;
static int wantedTrees;
static int lastSize;
static double multiplier;
static long runAmountB;
static long runAmountBU;
static long runAmountBD;
static long runAmountL;
static long runAmountL2;
public static void main(String[] args){
int futureWidth = 2000;
int futureHeight = 2000;
int futureWantedTrees = (int) (2*Math.pow(10,2));
height = futureHeight;
width = futureWidth;
wantedTrees = futureWantedTrees;
kenttaSumma = new int[width+1][height+1];
Random generator = new Random(1);
String[] lines = new String[height+1];
for (int y=1; y<=height; y++) {
lines[y] = "";
for (int x2=1; x2<=width; x2++){
if (generator.nextDouble() > 0.3){
lines[y] = lines[y] + ".";
}else {
lines[y] = lines[y] + "*";
kenttaSumma = new int[width+1][height+1];
long aika = System.nanoTime();
IO io = new IO();
height = io.nextInt();
width = io.nextInt();
wantedTrees = io.nextInt();
kenttaSumma = new int[width+1][height+1];
int foundArea = 0;
int minSize = (int) (Math.sqrt(wantedTrees) + 0.99);
multiplier = 0;
//calculate trees and save it in to array and summed area table
for (int y = 1; y <= height; y++) {
final char[] line = io.next().toCharArray();
//final char[] line = lines[y].toCharArray();
int sumRow = 0;
for (int x = 1; x <= width; x++) {
if (line[x - 1] == '*') {
kenttaSumma[x][y] = sumRow + kenttaSumma[x][y - 1];
if (System.nanoTime()-aika/Math.pow(10,9) > wantedTrees/100.0){
int maxSize = min(x, y);
/*//todo remove
if (x == 1000 && y == 1000) {
//stop here
break mainLoop;
if (maxSize >= minSize) {
foundArea += countAreasS(maxSize, minSize, x, y);
lastSize = minSize;
/*aika = (System.nanoTime()-aika)/1000000;
io.println("Time: " + aika);
io.println("Loops Binary: " + runAmountB/1000000.0);
io.println(" -high: " + runAmountBU/1000000.0);
io.println(" -low: " + runAmountBD/1000000.0);
io.println("Loops Linear: " + runAmountL/1000000.0);
io.println("Loops Linear: " + runAmountL2/1000000.0);
//rekursiivinen binaarihaku
// x2 = x -1
// y2 = y -1
private static int countAreasB(int maxSize,int minSize, int x, int y, int prevSize, double weight){
int areasFound = 0;
int tSize = (int) (((maxSize*(1.0+weight) + minSize*(1.0-weight))/2.0));
if (tSize == prevSize){
tSize = (int) (((maxSize + minSize)/2.0));
//lopetaan kun sama on jo katsottu
if (prevSize != tSize){
prevSize = tSize;
runAmountB ++;
int sum = kenttaSumma[x][y]+kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y];
if(sum > wantedTrees){
runAmountBU ++;
//tSize = (int) (Math.sqrt(tSize*tSize-(sum-wantedTrees))+0.999); //pitkalle johdettu matemaattinen optimointi
multiplier = max(multiplier - 0.1, -0.95);
areasFound += countAreasB(tSize, minSize, x, y, prevSize,multiplier);
}else if (sum < wantedTrees){
runAmountBD ++;
tSize = (maxSize - tSize == 1)?maxSize+1:tSize; //estetaan pyoristysvirhe
multiplier = min(multiplier+0.1,0.95);
areasFound += countAreasB(maxSize, tSize, x, y, prevSize,multiplier);
}else {
//molemmat suunnat ovat mahdollisia --> kokeillaan kaikki lahella olevat
areasFound ++;
areasFound += countAreasL(tSize+1, maxSize, x, y, 1);
areasFound += countAreasL(tSize-1, minSize, x, y, -1);
lastSize = prevSize;
return areasFound;
//rekursiivinen binaarihauen alku
// x2 = x -1
// y2 = y -1
private static int countAreasS(int maxSize,int minSize, int x, int y){
int areasFound = 0;
int tSize = lastSize;
//int tSize = min(max(lastSize,minSize),maxSize);
int prevSize = tSize;
runAmountB ++;
int sum = kenttaSumma[x][y]+kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y];
if(sum > wantedTrees){
runAmountBU ++;
//tSize = (int) (Math.sqrt(tSize*tSize-(sum-wantedTrees))+0.999); //pitkalle johdettu matemaattinen optimointi
areasFound += countAreasB(tSize, minSize, x, y, prevSize,0.9);
}else if (sum < wantedTrees){
runAmountBD ++;
tSize = (maxSize - tSize == 1)?maxSize+1:tSize; //estetaan pyoristysvirhe
areasFound += countAreasB(maxSize, tSize, x, y, prevSize,-0.9);
}else {
//molemmat suunnat ovat mahdollisia --> kokeillaan kaikki lahella olevat
areasFound ++;
areasFound += countAreasL(tSize+1, maxSize, x, y, 1);
areasFound += countAreasL(tSize-1, minSize, x, y, -1);
return areasFound;
//suoraviivainen haku, yksitellen
// x2 = x-1
// y2 = y-1
private static int countAreasL(int startSize,int endSize, int x, int y, int direction){
int areasFound = 0;
runAmountL ++;
for (int tSize=startSize; direction*tSize<=endSize*direction; tSize=tSize+direction){
runAmountL2 ++;
int sum = kenttaSumma[x][y]+kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x][y-tSize]-kenttaSumma[x-tSize][y];
if (sum == wantedTrees){
areasFound ++;
lastSize = tSize;
return areasFound;
//just for lulz
private static int max(final int a, final int b){
return (a>b)?a:b;
private static int min(final int a, final int b){
return (a<b)?a:b;
private static double min(final double a, final double b){
return (a<b)?a:b;
private static double max(final double a, final double b){
return (a>b)?a:b;